Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Summer Update

Today I spent a moment pining for those days of summer in high school when I didn't really have a lot going on and I could read and float around on a raft in my grandparents' pool. I really miss floating around in a quiet pool reading all day, but that would be obvious, no?

I also spent a moment catching my breath and thinking about how I spend my days now. Recently, both of my wee ones have started the same school, with the same drop off and pick up times, five days a week. For the first time in years, I have several uninterrupted hours without a child asking me for something just about every day. Of course, I still have a million and one things to get done, but just having the chance to have a quiet house for three hours straight when I want is joy. Joy!

At the same time that there is this joy, there is actually a lot to get done in a day. Even this morning, I left the house with the boys after making them lunch, and was on a constantly-moving errand running schedule for the next three hours. Bloodowork, shower accessory shopping, FedEx drops (two locations), mini-storage tour, traffic times ten... When I got home, there was work to be done on the computer for wrapping up the Spring fundraiser for the Waldorf school, schedules to be arranged, research on vets to be done, pest control and therapists to call...  And I suppose blogs to write.

At the moment it's only about 2pm, so I feel like I have gotten a good amount done today. At the same time, I still have to figure out dinner, take Henry to dance class, and keep working on the cleaning up and out. I am supposed to be starting a basic whole foods cleanse today, but have not had a chance to get all my ingredients together because Bret had a really awesome last-minute opportunity to go to a bike workshop last night. Good thing the Co-op is open tomorrow! I can catch up a bit.

I've been working on embroidery projects, knitting projects, and other random craftiness. I'm cleaning out the toys, cleaning out the studio, cleaning out my drawers and bedroom - slowly but surely progressing toward that point when we move into the new addition and let the contractors seal off this end of the house and create a master suite for us (complete with walk-in closet and outdoor shower. It is going to be badass!)

We visit our new puppy on Saturday, and get to bring him home Friday, July 20. This addition is welcome, to be sure, but will be extra walks and play (and work, but that will be just fine).

We are back in the eye surgery loop, which will be a LOT of work for a few months, and makes life unpredictable, but then at the same time will eventually make life a lot more simple, and make Toby much happier with his eyes every day.

We have a lot of things happening, and a lot of things getting done. Pans in the fire, and juggling well most of the time. Hopefully I will be checking in here a lot more often soon, because I miss it. I also might start writing more about some other things, but we'll see how that goes.

For now I will just be grumpy about the fireworks that will spew heavy metals all over the fields and lakes and oceans around the USA tonight and tomorrow, and hope not too many folks get burned and blown up. I hate fireworks, which is weird, I know. So I will try to be cheerful about everything else, because even with all the craziness, everything is going great, yay!