Saturday, October 29, 2011

All Too Typical

This morning:

While walking by Henry's room to go make breakfast, I glance in, see Henry in underpants and a shirt reading a book on the floor. I also think I see poop squished in the carpet.

Me: Oh my God! Is that poop on the floor behind you?!?

Henry: (not even looking up) What? Where?

Me: (walking into the room, looking closer) There, behind you, in the rug...(sigh of relief) Oh, never mind, it's just a letter.

Henry: (turning around, looking at the floor, searching) What letter is it?

Me: (still just relieved it's not poop) I think it's the letter J.

Henry: oooh! OK. (goes back to reading, because J is not a favorite letter)

As I walk out, I hear Bret laughing, and only then realize that this scenario is kind of crazy. Well, crazy anywhere but our house.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Loving This Today

My grandmother Thea made this for my mom when I was born, and I've had it in my laundry room since Henry was born. I love it. I wish I'd spent even less time stressing out and more time just rocking my babies. Yes, even more.

I'm learning (well, teaching myself) how to embroider right now, so at the moment I am smitten with the beautiful stitching my grandmother did here. I'm wishing I spent more of my younger days hanging out in her craft room learning needlework, because she is so talented. She taught me to knit, and it's taken years to get respectable. Now that I'm doing needlework, her first love, I'm really wishing I had the time in Vero to learn from her - all the time, not just visits!

So, today I am loving this. For everything.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Celebrating Autumn

The weather has gotten marginally cooler. The humidity has dropped below 80%. Early morning bike rides call for a light sweater. Welcome autumn! Here's a little celebration ring just for you.