Monday, May 30, 2011

Baby Ida's Blanket

Organic cotton, cool and tough for summer! Brooklyn, here it comes!

Baby Gnome

I've been learning about Waldorf-inspired handcrafts through Henry's awesome preschool, and tonight I finished my first solo project. Beyond solo project - I improvised a pattern and design, and even materials, woot!

This baby gnome will head up to Brooklyn tomorrow to meet her new mama, Miss Ryah Dashti, who has a new baby sister named Ida. Ida is getting a pretty pink and white knit blanket, so it only seemed fair that big sister got a beautiful gift made by hand with love as well. Love.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


I didn't think it was possible to F* up pie, but I managed it. I mean, it's deliciously sweet blueberry soup in a tasty crusty shell, but definitely not pie proper. Oh hubris, I feel your sting.

Sent from my iPhone.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday, shorts.

1. Contractors being late, rescheduling, coming back five times, making me reschedule my life and Bret's life and stay home with bored boys and rain gives me panic attacks. I just want my whole house and yard remodeled, not the stress, sheesh.

2. Our fish died today. We noticed because Toby was demanding that she was hungry (as has been his practice every day for a while now, and she has always been alive...).

3. First blueberry pie of the season is out of the oven just now, looking divine. It's way too easy to male blueberry pie. We need to pick way more blueberries in a hurry, we have a chest freezer now and there is no excuse not to stockpile.

4. My kids are obsessed with knock knock jokes, which all stink, especially when a kid hasn't really "gotten" how a joke works. It was cute the first hundred times, but now... Headaches.

5. Kids discovered YouTube on the TV. Now the crashing dominoes can be enjoyed really large, and I can monitor better than on the iPad. But even I stumbled upon a boner video. Who makes this stuff? Weirdos.

6. I'm so tired I'm thinking of skipping craft time (and hot pie time) after boys are in bed and going to sleep at like 8. Trust me, big time exhaustion.

7. I'm starting a couple of other blogs that will have specific topics, do rather than being scatterbrained here all the time, I'll just be a little scatterbrained here (focusing on crafts, baking, cooking, and my thoughts on things related to those and political things, and other random crap). I'll try to be together in the other places, but they are so not ready yet. I'll keep you posted, in like a month...

Off to convince my children to mellow out as bedtime nears. *sigh*

Eugene wins the Contest.

Sorry ladies, a papa won the contest for finding the dress that most closely matches the final purchase. To be fair, I should look up and post the photos he sent me while I was shopping, and if only I had a transcript of the phone call during which he discussed several dress style options, and the women who had made them currently fashionable... I have to admit, he knows his ladies' couture. So, while he was off on the final color, he scored on the style, and thus has won a handmade goody of some sort to be determined through what I can only expect will be lengthy negotiations. Also, I am assuming that his wife and daughter might have some input into the winnings, but then I never guessed he'd come up with the winner, so maybe that will be all him too.

When I manage to get myself to a real computer rather than this iPad which is acting all funky tonight, I will post side by side pictures of the dresses proposed, and the final purchase (that is the red one below since they were truly unable to get the black one for me, bastards!). You'll agree, he gets the prize for the closest hit.

Now if I could only stop myself from gorging on carbs (it's like I have something against staying on a diet before I go visit people I haven't seen in many years, what's my issue?), I'd feel like maybe I will look respectable at this wedding. But crap, i still need shoes. Oh dear, if you can find me something cute in a size 11... I'll do something nice for you, promise!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Toby's big birthday present. I made it. From scratch. Snap!

(I would be remiss if i neglected to add a super-big thanks to mama Amy for helping me with the sewing!)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ok folks, QUICK!

This comes in red or black. It has great reviews, and while not my favorite thing ever, it's OK. I'm thinking red. Am I living in crazytown?

I was supposed to be getting this dress...

...but got an email from Nordstroms today apologizing for their inability to complete my order and canceling it. Awesome. Back to the horribly atrocious drawing board, t-minus 17 days to departure.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Open Letter to Clothing Retailers in Orlando Florida

Dear Clothiers:

Your wares are overwhelmingly unattractive. Oh, and whole prom is around this time of year, so are a ton of fancy weddings, so you need to stock some black tie dresses that are not bedazzled.

I'm off to shop online now, and thus gives me no pleasure.

Poo on you,

Sent from my iPhone.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Flower Child: Bluebell - my Waldorf handcraft project

Waiting around = no fun

This morning Toby and I have had a hectic schedule. Took Henry to OT, went to the car wash, went to the park, then took H to school, then ran home to beat the AC guy to our house since he was supposed to come at 10:30.

We need (and I'm not overstating by using "need" here) to go to the grocery store, but instead we are waiting around for said AC guy to come since technically he could get here anytime between 10-12... I was told he'd call first, and that he'd not be here before 10:30, since I told them I would not be here.

I just saw the company's van drive by my house. Now, we are hoping this means that there is another job down the road and I'll get a call at any moment (it's 11:33 as I type right now). I'm a little afraid they are going to say that they tried to come and I was not here, thus forfeiting my Groupon-purchased inspection. This is also why we arent playing outside; if boyfriend comes and I don't hear him, same worry. Im not convinced he will call. Grrrrr.

Bret has to work through lunch, so Toby has to stay awake until after we puck Henry up at school and take him to ABA therapy for the afternoon. He will also have to wait for more milk because we are out (see, we NEED to be at the grocery right now!), and he's a tired, grumpy, annoyed that we aren't outside little boy.

Today is one of those crazy-busy days that also has weird down time that ends up being totally unproductive. I hate these days. Given that we are about to start home improvements, however, I think I had best get used to this!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Open Letter to My Friend

Today I visited you for the first time in three years. I haven't been able to manage it before today, but there was something urgent about finding you today, Mothers' Day, May 8, three years after you moved on.
I miss you so much. I find myself thinking of you more than I ever imagined I might. Sometimes it feels peaceful, and other times I'm terribly sad. Today was a mix. Visiting, in the shade of a beautiful tree, whispering to you all the things I've wanted to say, I was so sad, but so at peace.
I like to think you'd be proud of me for how I'm handling these mama-challenges I never expected. It's in the moments of most intense challenge that I find myself wishing I could talk to you, seek your advice, hold onto your calm. But it's also in the moments of bliss that I wish you were here to share them with me.
I don't know what step I'm on in terms if grieving you. I don't think I've fully accepted that you are gone, and I don't know how to get to a place of peace about losing you just at the moment that our lives were really coming together. I'm hoping that visiting today, marking today with rosemary on your grave, and thinking of you with a mix of joy and mourning will help me move forward.
Steckley is having her baby any time now. We are all visualizing her birthing her today (at her request), wishing for a peaceful birth. I'm hoping she will come today. Somehow, the thought of a life coming into the world today feels like salve for losing such a beautiful life on this day three years ago. Perhaps Steckley's daughter will possess some of your beauty, calm, and deep wisdom. And perhaps you will be with Steckley, and give her strength, as she brings more life into this world.
You were one of the most amazing mamas I have ever known. You helped shape my conception of motherhood, and I am so grateful to have had you in my life, even though it was for far too short a time.
I miss you, love you, and today I honor you.