Saturday, April 30, 2011

Baby Hat #1, 2011

This was my first project of 2011, being modeled by the sweet sweet boy who received it. Soft bamboo, simple circular design. Love him!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I have a black tie wedding to attend in about a month. I have next to no time to shop, and am in a quandary because I'm in the process of slimming and am not sure what size I will need in a month. And yet, I need a dress.

I have no idea what a lady wears to a black tie wedding when only a cousin and not in the wedding party. Oh, and it is definitely black tie, not an option to spare.

Throw me ideas people - and, much like Crime Stoppers, whoever makes a suggestion that leads to a purchase wins a reward!

I will knit a custom toy/blanket/hat and scarf/messenger bag/etc. for you or your kid or your partner or whoever. Honest to god fancy knitting to order.

This is big time people. Dress me!

And, go!!

Addendum: See how little I know! Here is more info on the event to help you with your search:
My cousin is marrying a lovely gal who is from the fancy part of Charleston, WV. South Charleston, technically. Wedding is at 6, cocktails are 730-830 with dinner and reception following. Reception is at her family's farm I think - it seems like a very large estate. The invites were completely simple, engraved, traditional, ultra-fancy. Cloth-lined envelopes, hand-caligraphied address and inner envelope, tissues, etc. It's not black tie optional, which my brother's ultra-fancy NYC wedding was, it's just black tie. Fancy. Oh, they have a website!

For the record, Will is my first cousin, and I adore him. Babysat him all the time, the little terror. His fiancé is incredibly sweet and lovely, so I couldn't be happier to be celebrating with them!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Fantastic; I couldn't have said it better, so I steal (with credit)

"I would like to establish a few things about myself: I am not a saint, nor am I unusually patient. In fact, on most days, I would argue that I am decidedly impatient. I have not been "blessed" with my boys because I am in some way more worthy or special than you, and you probably could imagine how I do it every day, you just don't because it makes you uncomfortable."

Heather Newman, in an essay from _My Baby Rides the Short Bus_, an anthology everyone should read because it is awesome.

Sent from my iPhone.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: my big boys, in the morning

Baby blanket, almost done

This project is killing my wrist. I think I have given myself tendinitis or something. Just started in the past few days, and I'm not sure why it's come up suddenly. Thankfully, this guy is a few rows from finished, so I can take a little break soon. I'm not sure where it's headed just yet, but I'm in love with the colors!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I Love...

... that we can go strawberry picking on a Saturday afternoon with almost no plans just twenty minutes from our house. I love that the farm accepts food stamps for the fresh fruits and veggies that they sell, because getting fresh foods to folks in need is important. I love the crazy pink smiles my kids make when they are in berry heaven. I love that we flew kites after picking berries, and that we are making time and space to freeze those suckers right this year! I love Gainesville, early summer, my family, and fun weekends. Love.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Baby hat and bib, newborn-ish

Baby hat and bib, newborn-ish
Originally uploaded by Hamstocks
Working right along, here is my second project recently completed. Given at a shower last weekend, for a dear little one to be who they are "98%" sure is a boy, this set is super soft organic cotton, which I found on super-sale at Michael's a few weeks ago. While I definitely prefer supporting the local yarn shop, I couldn't pass up clearance organic cotton, so you will see the colors I found in this in use in several upcoming projects.

I should note that I failed to take a photo of the first baby project I did this year, which was, after some truly miserable failures around Christmas, a minor success. It was a slightly-too-large hat; very sweet, tan, organic bamboo, and warmly received by the mama of sweet kittle Elliot, who I have not seen in way too long now!

Baby blanket #1, 2011

Baby blanket #1, 2011
Originally uploaded by Hamstocks
This is the first completed baby blanket for 2011. I have a lot of babies to go... This particular blanket was called "folksy" by my sweet huhsband, but I disagree. I think it's kind of hip, and I love it. I hope it's hip, because it is on it's way north to Chicago, where it will hopefully become a good summer accessory for a little city girl whose papa I love dearly and whose mama I still need to meet!

I think we accidentally stole this today...


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Open Letter to Mamas of Summer Babies

Dear Mamas of Summer Babies,

OK, so here is my situation: I birthed one winter baby and technically one almost-summer baby, but we had a freak cold snap that May and I was spending most of my time completely stressed out with a baby getting eye surgeries, so, well... I implore you for some advice here.

I know several mamas who are about to have babies, or have recently had babies. I like making gifts, and I can basically ONLY knit. I mean, I have a sewing machine and theoretically could sew and/or quilt, but really, I knit. Not crochet (I have tried and failed for now), knit. Knitting plus summer babes.... Yeah, not immediately the best combination right?

I have finished one blanket which I really like. It's bright, it's a nice cotton that will wash well and wear like iron, and it will also breathe! It's about 3' x 3' and I think it's good for a boy or a girl, but as it's a bit of a bright rainbow it might be better for one of my less traditional friends.

As an aside: I don't expect anyone to pamper a gift I give. I hope it will get used and used hard! I try to pick materials and knitting techniques that will hold up to everything a baby and a washer can dish out. (I have no illusions about some idyllic baby cuddly world that smells like powder and is always soft and clean, trust me.)

So, the dilemma: I could make more cotton blankets. I could make cotton hats. I could make cotton toys. I have a lot of organic cotton ready to knit, I just need some input on what would be the best summer baby gift. I mean, do people use knit blankets in the summer, ever? Does it matter if they are breathable cotton? And hats, what's the scoop? My kids wore them, but one was born in early February and the other was always in freezing hospitals or in the A/C until he was like five months old and the summer heat was wearing off. What kinds of toys would babies like? I did an pretty rad Muno doll, and have done some others, so it is possible.

And really, on colors: do people really still care about this pink/blue thing? My boys wore lots of green and brown and red and navy. The sale organic were a purple-blue and pink, and the sale was great, so I do have these things to think about this time.

One other point: some of the mamas are really good friends. One is the wife of a really good friend (I have never actually met mama, but the papa and I go way back to age six or so). One is family, but not close. And another is a far-off friend who was once very close, but not really close anymore. I still want to shower these mamas one and all with some special love and care, and hey, I also really love excuses to knit like a nut!

So, mamas of summer babies, what would you most want to get if I were knitting for you? And if you aren't a mama of a summer baby, or even a mama, and you still want to share, feel free. I need the inspiration!

With love and care, V

Sent from my iPhone.