Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cliford should be on Hoarders!

I have not seen many episodes of Clifford: The Big Red Dog. I am thankful for this, as given the few episodes I have seen, I have found the following things really grate on my last nerve:

1. The music. It is not cute or clever, just repetitive and clangy.

2. The name "Emily Elizabeth." Either name is adorable for a little girl. Neither is appropriate for a double-name because there are just too many syllables here.

3. The whole concept of a "big red dog" annoys me. The thought of a mutant dog, that is both technicolor and as big as a house is just plain creepy.

Now, in order to form these opinions, I did have to watch a few episodes with Henry, who began requesting Clifford once he got a DVD for Christmas. (I should note that said DVD is not living at our house, or even in our county, but does remain in our state, which I find unfortunate.)

Why this visceral reaction?

Clifford is a Hoarder.

He could be featured on A&E. He'd probably qualify for some special show since he has the mutant issues in addition to the compulsive hoarding.

It might be that I have been watching too much Hoarders, and have gotten a bit compulsive about analyzing my own relationship to junk as a result, but I was a little bit taken aback to have a kids' show openly enabling a hoarder.

Let me break it down for you: Clifford is cleaning out his dog house, and has a huge pile of stinky and dirty stuff outside his dog house. (Given Clifford's mutant stature, the pile looks exactly like the mounds of crap that are removed from houses on Hoarders). Every item that gets pulled from the pie brings back memories, and we get to relive several stories through the magic of the television flashback. All that is missing is the expert/therapist introducing the memory with a comment about how "typically objects carry emotional weight for hoarders, and throwing them out makes them fear losing the memory or somehow betraying it." Which is why Clifford decides he can throw nothing away. Emily Elizabeth discovers his stash, and laughs!

Yeah, how many mummified cats do you think are in his pile?

I'm sorry Clifford, I just can't handle it.