Tuesday, September 13, 2011


While it's doubtful that I am ahead of the curve on these sorts of things, I have found and LOVE Pinterest. Mostly I love it because I can save all my "to do" and "i love that!" links in a place that is not my bookmark bar, but I also love that I can SHARE these little gems with others. Not that I am finding gold from places others have not looked; I assure you, I'm getting most of my pins from craftgawker and that sort of thing. But it's great fun, nonetheless.

I only have one "follower," so it's not as if I am trend-setting; however, I like to think that with time I will stop having five zillion bookmarks in my "craft projects" and "inspiration" Firefox folders, and will use the handy thumbnails and descriptions on my personal, virtual Pinboard for good. And perhaps, should you wind up on the Pinterest, you'll follow me and get some inspiration too.

Just a thought.