Saturday, October 29, 2011

All Too Typical

This morning:

While walking by Henry's room to go make breakfast, I glance in, see Henry in underpants and a shirt reading a book on the floor. I also think I see poop squished in the carpet.

Me: Oh my God! Is that poop on the floor behind you?!?

Henry: (not even looking up) What? Where?

Me: (walking into the room, looking closer) There, behind you, in the rug...(sigh of relief) Oh, never mind, it's just a letter.

Henry: (turning around, looking at the floor, searching) What letter is it?

Me: (still just relieved it's not poop) I think it's the letter J.

Henry: oooh! OK. (goes back to reading, because J is not a favorite letter)

As I walk out, I hear Bret laughing, and only then realize that this scenario is kind of crazy. Well, crazy anywhere but our house.