Monday, November 21, 2011

Open letter to myself

Dear Virginia,

Honey, you have a problem. You need to gather yourself and your books and your projects together and make a plan. You need to stop trolling craftgawker and Pinterest, stop perusing the recommendations on Amazon, stop reading newsletters and culling book titles, stop searching Ravelry for new patterns... Stop. Etsy will keep on without you.

The pile of books, both digital and physical, that you have queued up to read is staggering. The puke of projects, with and without materials, with and without looming deadlines for completion, with and without intended recipients... It's a train wreck.

So pause. Get to work. Read. Enjoy the nourishing bounty of the season with the CSA share and try some of those Nourishing Traditions recipes with the ingredients you possess.

But for Goodness' sake, chill out on the stacking or you will never get through anything currently in line. And that would be tragic, because some of it is AWESOME!!

Love, V