Saturday, July 11, 2009

He likes his space.

I know the books say that you should not sneak away from your child when you drop him off at school. I got the memo, but apparently Henry has other ideas.

You MUST sneak away from my Henry or it ruins his day. I have accidentally said "see ya" a few times now, and it's no good. The mornings were making me tense, not knowing if he'd decide to hold my hand all the way to the playground, or follow me to the cubby, making a sneak-away impossible...

Apparently Henry also realized that this hit or miss system was not working. For the past several days when we arrive at school he walks into the lobby, points to the couches and says, "Mommy, sit down." Once I am sitting, he walks on down the ramp and out to the playground, giving me my exit. The independence he has been displaying kind of floors me.