Monday, August 3, 2009


Anyone who tells you that the first baby is the hardest and that from one to two is easy has one of three things going on:

1. Has a penis. What I mean to say is that while fabulous, papas who can't breastfeed just can't grasp what it's like to juggle a toddler and a baby who is attached to your boob. Period. Ignore them on these issues.

2. A gap of five or more years between kids and/or the conversation and the birth of their second child. Time makes exhaustion fade from memory, and a kid five or older can help out, or at least not be trying to destroy the house and him/herself at least 50% of the time while awake.
I should note that managing even the most unruly toddler is a breeze when unencumbered by a newborn that requires about 90% of your attention and energy. It's also far easier to manage anything when you've had some uniterrupted sleep, or have the prospect of it surely ahead of you.

3. A housekeeper, personal assistant, and chef. Even I would agree that it was easy if my laundry, cleaning, paperwork, and cooking were under control without my energy. But even then, two is harder than one.