OK, so here is my situation: I birthed one winter baby and technically one almost-summer baby, but we had a freak cold snap that May and I was spending most of my time completely stressed out with a baby getting eye surgeries, so, well... I implore you for some advice here.
I know several mamas who are about to have babies, or have recently had babies. I like making gifts, and I can basically ONLY knit. I mean, I have a sewing machine and theoretically could sew and/or quilt, but really, I knit. Not crochet (I have tried and failed for now), knit. Knitting plus summer babes.... Yeah, not immediately the best combination right?
I have finished one blanket which I really like. It's bright, it's a nice cotton that will wash well and wear like iron, and it will also breathe! It's about 3' x 3' and I think it's good for a boy or a girl, but as it's a bit of a bright rainbow it might be better for one of my less traditional friends.
As an aside: I don't expect anyone to pamper a gift I give. I hope it will get used and used hard! I try to pick materials and knitting techniques that will hold up to everything a baby and a washer can dish out. (I have no illusions about some idyllic baby cuddly world that smells like powder and is always soft and clean, trust me.)
So, the dilemma: I could make more cotton blankets. I could make cotton hats. I could make cotton toys. I have a lot of organic cotton ready to knit, I just need some input on what would be the best summer baby gift. I mean, do people use knit blankets in the summer, ever? Does it matter if they are breathable cotton? And hats, what's the scoop? My kids wore them, but one was born in early February and the other was always in freezing hospitals or in the A/C until he was like five months old and the summer heat was wearing off. What kinds of toys would babies like? I did an pretty rad Muno doll, and have done some others, so it is possible.
And really, on colors: do people really still care about this pink/blue thing? My boys wore lots of green and brown and red and navy. The sale organic were a purple-blue and pink, and the sale was great, so I do have these things to think about this time.
One other point: some of the mamas are really good friends. One is the wife of a really good friend (I have never actually met mama, but the papa and I go way back to age six or so). One is family, but not close. And another is a far-off friend who was once very close, but not really close anymore. I still want to shower these mamas one and all with some special love and care, and hey, I also really love excuses to knit like a nut!
So, mamas of summer babies, what would you most want to get if I were knitting for you? And if you aren't a mama of a summer baby, or even a mama, and you still want to share, feel free. I need the inspiration!
With love and care, V
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