Now that it's out of the oven and taste-tested, I can give my thumbs up to The Steamy Kitchen blog for this fantastic tutorial on No Knead Bread. While it really is quite easy, my four year old wasn't that into making it. He did, however, proclaim, joyfully, "It tastes like bread!" a few minutes ago, which is high praise from Henry.
So, you can get all the nitty gritty steps from the tutorial (it's very good), but I will just tell you that I used her whole wheat flour secret, but not her salt secret (kosher was not on hand, table was; this was weird but there it is). I let it sleep overnight for about 15-16 hours, and it's nap was a little long (2 and a half hours) because I forgot to pop the pot in to preheat, and then couldn't hear the timer going off for like five minutes because Henry and I were deep into a YouTube exploration in the bathroom (another story for another time). I swear all of that will make more sense if you read the tutorial.
Delicious, and easy enough that I just might become the bread baker around here... Check out the lovely steps I remembered to photograph!
Here is the dough after it slept overnight:
These are of the dough getting tucked in and taking its nap before growing again:
Ooooh, pretty new pot ready to get dough plopped into it for the baking!
And, the final product:
Now, go make this because you totally can. Seriously, it is crazy easy and so delicious. Yum!