I've been reading more lately, thanks to my Kindle, iPad, and rediscovered nighttime ritual of climbing into bed every night with some words to read. I like to keep the pre-bed reading on the lighter side (not educational materials or conference planning guides for upcoming trips - thrillers are fine, just nothing I might genuinely have to remember).
I have been trying not to read complete crap, but sometimes I do read complete crap. You are getting reviews of all of it. I'm ditching the "secret" part of my guilty reading pleasures, and you will get to read about what I am reading, even if I'm kind of embarrassed to admit I'm reading it because it's pulp.
You can, in the near-future, look forward to reviews of: The Anti-Romantic Child, No Country for Old Men, The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, The Passage, and more! Woo, books!