Monday, September 28, 2009

Happiness is...

...two sleeping boys, a good check up for Toby with the eye specialist, and packing for a trip to Napa for KK's wedding (to awesome Jon). A nap for me will make this afternoon epic, so I am off to make that happen!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Almost Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

I don't really remember a lot of things from my childhood for some reason. I do, however, very distinctly remember that my elementary school principal (Mr. Bond) would lead assembly every morning, and every once in a while (once a year I think) he would have a day that kept him from getting prepped, and he'd tell us that happened and then read us "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day." It's a book about a boy who has a really crappy day.

It happens. Sometimes you just have a really cruddy day. Everything that could go wrong, does. Things you never imagined could go wrong go horribly wrong. I had begun crafting this post in my head as I was driving home from the grocery store around 3pm the other day because I was having one of those days. Fortunately, however, things turned around; it wasn't a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, but it almost was.

Things didn't really start to slide until mid-day. I was tired. I couldn't get Toby to nap, so I took him shopping. I had a lot of things to get at Target, but went to grab some more tops at Old Navy first. They didn't have them. They had nothing. I got a call from Henry's school that he was not napping, kicking, and yelling, so I needed to come pick him up since he was disrupting naptime. I never got to Target, Toby screamed the whole way, and I got a note with Henry that said he'd been being a bad napper for a couple of weeks. Great. They screamed in the car on the way home. I realized we really needed to go to the grocery store, Henry pitched a fit wanting a cookie, so even though it seemed like a bad idea, we did it. I had to feed Toby in the parking lot, which didn't really work out (more screaming, no eating). Henry spit all of his water out onto the front of his shirt and we had no other set of clothes. Nothing good was on sale. The veggies were not good at all. Henry pitched a fit and kept standing up in the cart and grabbing everything. Toby woke up in the sling, had on no glasses, and looked as though he might cry at any moment. At the car, I found I had dumped a whole mug of coffee into the driver's seat and my nursing cover. I had to sit, in my new jeans, in coffee to get home. It was during this drive I started reliving assembly and Alexander's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.


When I got home, things started to turn around. Henry's teacher called me and was incredibly sweet, putting me at ease and relieving my stress that Henry was disrupting class all the time. We made a plan to tackle the no-nap craziness. Toby took a nap and I got to play with Henry. We ended up having a delicious dinner, thanks to our trip to the grocery. All the veggies I couldn't buy because they were not looking good, out of stock, or way overpriced were picked up by Bret at the Farmer's market on the way home. Oh, and the ONE thing I grabbed before getting pulled from Old Navy is great. And I got most of the coffee stain out of my nursing cover (enough to be OK with it). Bret and I tag-teamed the boys and the cleaning and cooking really well, and had a nice evening together. It all really worked out in the end, even though it was looking grim.

I think it's a good thing to remember that every now and again, you really do just have a bad day. Things will get better, and it's even kind of funny because it's just so bad, but it's OK to just have a bad day. It happens to everyone and life goes on. And it's also great to remember that even those days that start out really bad can turn around. Keeping your sense of humor and keeping perspective is so important, because you never know when things can flip. So in the end, I got two really great lessons the other day, and I got to remember that I learned a lot from Mr. Bond showing us he was human and reading us a very good book about a very bad day.