Thursday, June 24, 2010

Even baby boys.

I'm not sure if it's the covers, or the location of the shelf-space in which they reside, but my kids seem to have a deep love for bell hooks. Here is Toby, in his favorite reading chair, proving that feminism really is for everybody.

(This doesn't mean that anyone can label her or himself a feminist spouting of whatever they want - Mrs. Palin, ahem, I am casting a sideways glance at you - but it does mean that yes, feminism really is for everybody. Or that it ought to be.)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Operation Psychotic Potty Training Bootcamp to commence in three days...

It's all planned. Bret is taking Toby to Tampa for the day (overnight?) and Henry and I are getting down to the business of potty training in serious form. I'm terrified, both of the exhaustion we will both be feeling (the plan involves nothing but potty talk and lots of running around and practicing running to the potty) and the emotional drain nonstop potty talk will have on my psyche.

Aside: if potty talk is TMI, deal. Skip it. Move on. The title should have tipped you off, really really.

I'm hoping it is the magic bullet. Henry does not fear the potty, and is happy to pee on whatever big or small toilet is available, just not on his own, and definitely not to the exclusion of peeing in a diaper. Poop, well, we just can't even go there yet.

I'm done with having two kids in diapers. Done. I spend hours (OK, sometimes it's not just me - other caregivers are involved too) every day getting way too intimate with bodily functions, especially on the wonderful days when both boys poo like four times.

I'm fully going back to a controversial book written in the seventies for this one. I need to get supplies (anyone know where to get a doll that pees when you give it water?) and make a plan and get snacks and treats and drinks. Oh, and spend the next few days depriving Henry of yummy snacks and drinks to make them tasty.

In addition, we have stuff to DO this weekend, so this really better work in the day they promise. I'm pessimistic. This is not the best way to go into the experiment, so I'm also working on getting myself pumped up. If anyone cates to offer a cash prize as motivation for mama, feel free to make an offer. Like a small chd, I respond positively to rewards.

I'll update, if I'm not too traumatized at the end if the whole thing.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Have you checked us out lately?

I tend to update on the boys over here:
The Hamstock Family

Occasionally, these silly little updates take over my world, explaining the dearth of coherent, adult thoughts recorded here. One day, you'll be sick of my adult ramblings, I swear.

In the meanwhile, enjoy my adorable kids.

Testing, testing, 1-2-3, testing

I'm sending this put from the iPhone, which is kind of exciting. This might mean more posts, but I can't promise anything. Just try it and see...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Seriously, hands are full.

I wish I could formulate something of value. I can't, both because I am stretched obscenely thin and because both boys are vying for attention even now. But I did get that iPhone, so here is some of that video I can shoot and post on the fly... this is great fun. But back to the mama work I do...