Thursday, June 30, 2011

This is what my life looks like.

Bret has been helping me keep Toby still while do his contacts every morning and evening. The new hard lenses are great, but it's taken a while for little one to get used to the new procedures and sensations. Bret took these while I was removing lenses the other night, and as you can see, Toby survived. But this is what my life looks like.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Last CSA share of the season

So many fresh veggies, and homemade strawberry sorbet. Oh Swallowtail Farm, we will miss you until fall!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ah, the bounty!

Our CSA is amazing, and we are swimming in the fruits of summer. This bounty, however, signals that the end of the season is drawing near, and those dog days of summer are ahead. In Florida, July and August are our resting months, when we casual gardeners and farmers surrender to the heat. We might be able to keep a few plants going with lots of irrigation, but it's about time to let it go. And wait for our lovely fall gardens to arrive!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Some projects, in progress...

The gnome family grows...

Open Letter to Kim John Payne

Dear Kim,

Please come to my house and simplify my stuff and my schedule. My attempts have been genuine, but genuinely epic fails. I love you, please come. Anytime. I'll bake you pie.

Love, V

Sent from my iPhone.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Open Letter to East-Coast Travel

Dear East Coast Travel:

To be honest, what with all the delays, long drives to the airport, hassle of lugging around 2 car seats, and stress of packing in one suitcase to save $50, I'm not convinced that airplanes are the way to go. I know I said that twelve hours in the car would stress out the kids, but both of our travel days were 12+ hours, door to door. And we didn't get to stop and eat, and pee, and stretch. Next time, I'm totally driving.

(will someone please remind me of this when the time comes?)

Mwah, V

Sent from my iPhone.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


It's silent in our house right now. 3:30, we are ALL home, all in different rooms, all cashed out in one way or another. Bret is out with the tummy bug, Toby and I are fighting off the end of the head cold/flu bug, and Henry is feeling much better, but taking some quiet time to himself with his iPad. We leave for four days tomorrow... Oh dear me. Send us lively thoughts and pixie dust please. We could use some.

Sent from my iPhone.

And even more tiny gnomes!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Baby gnome, #2

Toby's baby gnome. He picked out all the colors. I'm getting more elaborate with my stitching, and this little guy has more stuffing. Up next... Log cabin quilt for Baby Capobianco-Dandorf and gnome for Henry, possibly with hair and a beard. And more flower faeries. Ahhh, I'm loving this craftiness.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Nevermind, for now.

Last night Henry turned into the girl from the Excorcist, at least in terms of vomit. He was much sweeter. This morning, instead of stressing about all that packing I was stressing about last night pre-midnight, I got to run around in a sleepless haze gathering BRATS foods and canceling flights, rental cars, nannies, appointments.... Now we are in bed, trying to keep down fluids. Yes universe, I hear you laughing. Ha ha, I had plans. Phhhhfffft on you too.