Saturday, April 17, 2010

Open Letter to the Man in a Speedo Doing Yoga in the Sauna at the Gym

Dear Man in a Speedo Doing Yoga at the Gym,

I'm not sure what you were thinking. Let's break it down:

1. There is a HUGE sign on the sauna door that says "This space is for relaxation, not exercise."

2. You are older, quite flabby, and wearing only a Speedo that might have fit you properly thirty pounds ago.

3. The moves you were doing were giving you a wedgie (forward folds), or exposing way too much of your package (backbends).

4. The twists, while relaxing I am sure, threw your sweat all over everyone sitting within three feet of your little space in the front. Where we could not avoid looking at you.

Now, I'm not sure if you were actually just doing your thing or if you were trying to impress people with your flexibility, but I for one was not impressed. I was completely creeped out.

Please do it in the steam room next time. At least there no one can see anything.

Sincerely (and with a shudder),