2. Our fish died today. We noticed because Toby was demanding that she was hungry (as has been his practice every day for a while now, and she has always been alive...).
3. First blueberry pie of the season is out of the oven just now, looking divine. It's way too easy to male blueberry pie. We need to pick way more blueberries in a hurry, we have a chest freezer now and there is no excuse not to stockpile.
4. My kids are obsessed with knock knock jokes, which all stink, especially when a kid hasn't really "gotten" how a joke works. It was cute the first hundred times, but now... Headaches.
5. Kids discovered YouTube on the TV. Now the crashing dominoes can be enjoyed really large, and I can monitor better than on the iPad. But even I stumbled upon a boner video. Who makes this stuff? Weirdos.
6. I'm so tired I'm thinking of skipping craft time (and hot pie time) after boys are in bed and going to sleep at like 8. Trust me, big time exhaustion.
7. I'm starting a couple of other blogs that will have specific topics, do rather than being scatterbrained here all the time, I'll just be a little scatterbrained here (focusing on crafts, baking, cooking, and my thoughts on things related to those and political things, and other random crap). I'll try to be together in the other places, but they are so not ready yet. I'll keep you posted, in like a month...
Off to convince my children to mellow out as bedtime nears. *sigh*