Sorry ladies, a papa won the contest for finding the dress that most closely matches the final purchase. To be fair, I should look up and post the photos he sent me while I was shopping, and if only I had a transcript of the phone call during which he discussed several dress style options, and the women who had made them currently fashionable... I have to admit, he knows his ladies' couture. So, while he was off on the final color, he scored on the style, and thus has won a handmade goody of some sort to be determined through what I can only expect will be lengthy negotiations. Also, I am assuming that his wife and daughter might have some input into the winnings, but then I never guessed he'd come up with the winner, so maybe that will be all him too.
When I manage to get myself to a real computer rather than this iPad which is acting all funky tonight, I will post side by side pictures of the dresses proposed, and the final purchase (that is the red one below since they were truly unable to get the black one for me, bastards!). You'll agree, he gets the prize for the closest hit.
Now if I could only stop myself from gorging on carbs (it's like I have something against staying on a diet before I go visit people I haven't seen in many years, what's my issue?), I'd feel like maybe I will look respectable at this wedding. But crap, i still need shoes. Oh dear, if you can find me something cute in a size 11... I'll do something nice for you, promise!