Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Waiting around = no fun

This morning Toby and I have had a hectic schedule. Took Henry to OT, went to the car wash, went to the park, then took H to school, then ran home to beat the AC guy to our house since he was supposed to come at 10:30.

We need (and I'm not overstating by using "need" here) to go to the grocery store, but instead we are waiting around for said AC guy to come since technically he could get here anytime between 10-12... I was told he'd call first, and that he'd not be here before 10:30, since I told them I would not be here.

I just saw the company's van drive by my house. Now, we are hoping this means that there is another job down the road and I'll get a call at any moment (it's 11:33 as I type right now). I'm a little afraid they are going to say that they tried to come and I was not here, thus forfeiting my Groupon-purchased inspection. This is also why we arent playing outside; if boyfriend comes and I don't hear him, same worry. Im not convinced he will call. Grrrrr.

Bret has to work through lunch, so Toby has to stay awake until after we puck Henry up at school and take him to ABA therapy for the afternoon. He will also have to wait for more milk because we are out (see, we NEED to be at the grocery right now!), and he's a tired, grumpy, annoyed that we aren't outside little boy.

Today is one of those crazy-busy days that also has weird down time that ends up being totally unproductive. I hate these days. Given that we are about to start home improvements, however, I think I had best get used to this!