Open Letter to Certain People with "Choose Life" License Plates
Dear Certain People with Choose Life License Plates,
OK, I have some serious beef with a few of you.
First, if you have the "IM4IT" free plate on the front of your car, but can't be bothered to shell out the money for the actual plate on the back of your car, you kind of suck. The whole point is supporting adoption programs that receive the funds, right? So freeloading off the pseudo-official look of the free plate while not giving to that very cause is just lame.
Second, if you have a Choose Life license plate, and are driving around smoking cigarettes -- well, really? Come on.
Third, and most abhorrent, if you are driving around with a Choose Life plate, smoking cigarettes with CHILDREN in the car with you, you really just are beyond reason and I'm about to call DCF on you. Yes you, blue sedan with the baby and the windows up, I'm talking to you.
I'm not trying to butt into your life (even though given your position on choice it seems you have no problem with people butting into others' lives) but smoking in a closed car with your kid in the car is abhorrent. All that said, I really am NOT calling DCF, and really am staying out of your business, so stay out of mine, K?
Peace, V