Thursday, January 5, 2012

Well, here we are in 2012, listening to hateful white men talk about hating gay men and keeping contraception away from people. What a rad start to the new year (I deleted the news apps from my phone. It's better that way, at least during the election cycle, I promise.)

In mama news, Henry is solidly potty trained. It's a hot-damn miracle. Toby, not so much. But to have just one kid pooping himself is so awesome, I can't adequately express the joy it brings.  Henry has also progressed in his ability to play in a group, interact with peers, and socialize generally with many different kids in many different situations. It's Phenomenal. He's phenomenal. He is building wacky Rube Goldberg machines everywhere he can, or at least setting up marble runs and dominoes to be knocked down. He will school you on the periodic table, but he will also come give you snuggles and love you like no other.

Toby is a maniac. He is doing great with his eyes - good pressure, good reflexes - but he has a thing about wearing contacts. He's gotten touchy about it since we switched to the RGP lenses, and his glasses are starting to fall apart. We have to check in about all of that and make sure everything is cool, and find out if strapping him down to get contacts in is a worthwhile endeavor...

Bret has been working hard at getting everything together for our home renovation, and it's awesome. He has done a lot of hard work clearing things out and getting things together, and now we begin the nitty gritty process of whittling down a number so we can sign a contract, and commit to the months of work that are to come.

I've been off again, on again sick. At the moment, I feel OK, but have absolutely no voice. And a nice cough to boot. Crimping my resolution style - no yoga for me while breathing and head down mean extreme discomfort, but thanks. Soooooon. I have managed to organize projects so that one thing gets my attention at a time, and a million projects aren't in progress or sitting in the box ready to pop out, since really only one at a time is a reasonable thing.I will make Bret his cardigan by the end of the year.

I've decided to grow my hair out for Locks of Love, since it's long (accidentally) already and I might as well have a purpose for just being lazy about the mane. Ans a reason not to on the fly go in and get it hacked off.

I'm making plans to run a 5k in July. Making plans to clean the hell out of this house and Waldorf-ize it asap. I'm going to learn more stitching, and get freaky good at that. I am going to make felt and wool toys for my kids, and for the Morning Meadow store. I a, going to create a fantasy gnome village in my playroom for Toby to enjoy, and hope Henry gets on board. I am going to make the underside of the bunk bed into a adorably stitched Solar System, and male the Alphabet for their walls. Eventually, I will get to making Henry the periodic table I promised last year.

I also plan to teach Henry how to play more games - like chess - that his Aspie friends like to play. I think it would be a great tool for him to learn to think strategically in that way, and also a good way for him to experience losing (the other kid is WAY good) and being a good sport.

So for now, we are reassessing. We are rearranging. We are prioritizing.

For me, canning jam and pickles and tomatoes and other things is way at the top of the list. But so is being present for our kids, creating things for them that are special, and engaging them on a level that is impossible when the dreaded TV is on. We are working on it. Working hard. It always feel like I'm a few steps behind my aspirations, which should be an impetus to keep moving, but has become, of late, an easy way to say, whatever. Getting past that whatever, getting into life fully, embracing my inner hippy, and finding the beauty and love that is in this community we are so lucky to have - those are my resolutions.

I also resolve to get back here more - I will revamp the schedule, but I believe that there will be a minimum of three posts a week - a homey/crafty/yummy one, a simple moment captured, and a post reflecting on motherhood, for me , and all that means. This I have to tweak as I am still setting up our family rhythm chart, and my work here has to fit into that rhythm as well. I'll be talking more about that, possibly here, possibly on a new blog chronicling our implementation of KJP Simplicity Parenting into our home and lives - have to decide what I can handle in terms of upkeep. But it will be a journey, nonetheless.

So, Happy New Year. Blessed Epiphany (how does one say that?). Welcome to the slow introduction of 2012, where things in my life and community are awesome, and where I have decided to shun all news of the nonsense playing out in crazy towns across America right now.

Love and peace, V