Friday, March 2, 2012

End of Water Conservation

January and February are the months we conserve water here like crazy people, since they cap the charges for the year based on your usage January-February.

It's March 2. Toby is sick. The kids' room kind of smells funny, and I have no idea why (we do change the sheets, often!). Why, why, why do kids make everything smell so nasty?

Today my water conservation went out the window. I did three loads of laundry on "sanitize" cycle, which takes like 2.5 hours and uses extra hot water. I only washed one set of pajamas. One set of sheets. Three full loads of stuffed animals and lovies. They smell funny and Toby chews most of them. Some I recovered from the playroom, or under the bed. They all needed a really deep clean.

No regrets. I used the heck out of some water today, and I'm hoping things smell better around here tomorrow.

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