I'm so done with this can't sleep business. Of course, I understand that with the impending arrival of a newborn that I am not in for long, uninterrupted hours of sleep; however, this can't sleep business just might be near an end.
I also can not believe it's Monday and I haven't posted since last Wednesday. So much for goals.
Other things I can not believe this very early morning:
1. Gainesville community pools do not open until 4pm on weekdays (at least not right now). This is crap.
2. I had to make my Twitter updates private due to a slew of sketchy folk trying to follow me. What? (I get Twitter, but so don't get Twitter sometimes.)
3. I can't think of the 500 other things that were keeping me up and actually want to go back to sleep until Henry rises with the sun.
Note to self: Man, that was a lame post.