Friday, December 18, 2009

Well, it had to happen sometime.

Toby got teeth recently, which are adorable. They are also incredibly sharp. Boyfriend likes to bite, and bite hard, on everything he can get near his head. Until today, that everything included my boob.

As I have noted before, I have a complex relationship with breastfeeding. I think I have been meaning to write something else since I was able to very successfully nurse Toby (with some supplementation, but at one point I was winning and the ratio was like 70/30 me), but as I have also noted before, breastfeeding might as well be a full time job in itself, so I just plain didn't get around to taking things back and clarifying and whatnot. Summary: breastfeeding is amazing. I feel like both Henry and I missed out a bit, even though he is a healthy little lad and I love him very much.

So Toby and the biting. I had been advised that if he bit, don't (repeat three times) pull him away because he will still be biting, and it will hurt. Um, this would be the biggest understatement ever - ouch! Mamas said discourage babe from biting by squishing him into your boob. Which works OK, except I seemed to forget that 8 of 10 times in the moment (soooo ouch!). The squishing was considered beyond hilarious by little man, who would wait like a snake in the grass to strike again. Charming. (Actually, it kind of was. He is incredibly adorable when his laughs, it's addictive like crack.)

This was the straw.

I have to admit that the timing works out for me. I've been kind of ready to go on a soy and dairy bender for a few weeks. It makes sense, Toby is seven months old. When I quit smoking (on more than one occasion, I am loathe to admit) I did great until about month six, seven, eight... It took years to bust through that wall and really and truly quit. If there was tobacco in like 80% of the things at the grocery store, I have a feeling I would not be on the wagon still. Dairy is in 80% of what is yummy, and soy is in 80% of everything, which limits you more than a bit. I have been practically bathing in cheese since earlier today (note that I don't even particularly like cheese normally). You see, I finally made the decision that it was time to wean.

Of course, that sounds so awful: I made the decision to wean. Really, it's been steadily happening for a while now. Toby has been pretty much comfort-nursing for a few months, because my supply was just not able to get up high enough to keep up with his monster-baby heft, and with schedules and craziness, and him being HUNGRY, he just has been getting more of his nutrition in nasty pre-digested powder form. The addition of solids has been slow; his tummy is still having a rough time, so sweet potatoes and squash seem to be the only things both he and his tummy agree are awesome so far. What stunk was that even though he was hardly nursing, if I screwed up just a little bit, he was a mess. Poor baby, we couldn't even tell if it really was the pears making him a nut, or mama accidentally ate hidden butter or soy lecithin. It's time to call it.

In the balance, we both got a great deal. We both to cuddle and share something special, and no soy, dairy, or tomatoes (and limited caffeine and peanuts) was completely worth it for those seven months. Breastfeeding is amazing, and I defy you to find anything sweeter than a nursing baby. (Seriously. Try. Sweetest thing in the world. For reals.) I will really and truly miss it. I might not have said this eight months ago, but that's precisely why I got such a good deal.

Now, Toby, you may bite away!