I realize that I've been terrible about updating both this blog and The Hamstock Family blog. I'm working to rectify this by giving myself some deadlines, and projects, that should function both as inspiration and as motivation.
First, I'll be instituting Wordless Wednesdays. I'm completely stealing this idea from other friends and mama bloggers (like Be Nice to Mama), but I'm stealing it because I love it. Also, I have an iPhone, and I take pictures, so this seems like a reasonable goal that everyone can enjoy.
Second, soon you will get to enjoy Open Letter Weekends. I've gotten lots of lovely feedback on my open letters here, and it's a format I enjoy. I love it for kvetching, and also for finding humor in anger or absurdity. Rather than trying to craft pithy Facebook updates or tweets on the topics I find myself mulling over every week, I'll just hold them for the weekends and send the thoughts put directly.
Over at The Hamstock Family blog, you will get more stories and photos, and I will also be pestering Papa to post as well. It will be more fun that way. I can't promise anything concrete, but I will certainly be trying.
So keep coming back. I'm working on it.