Regardless of where you stand on what to feed babies (there is debate, see my discussions here and here), I assume that if you are reading this blog you support every mother's right to breastfeed wherever she darn well pleases, not to be fired for breastfeeding or pumping, and generally believe that breastfeeding mamas have rights that certainly ought to be protected.
Short aside: Why do I assume you are down? Because the chances that you are randomly reading this are slim. If we hang out, I think I would have picked up on your disdain for mamas feeding babies. If that's the case, we probably don't hang out anymore. Not trying to be a jerk here, but this is kind of a dealbreaker for me.
You should take a few minutes and go here to learn more about the Breastfeeding Promotion Act, introduced in Congress June 11. Not the first time it's been there, but maybe there is change in the air we can ride. Write, call , fax, generally harrass your members of Congress and get them on the bandwagon too. Hey, let's go to DC and do a nurse-in!
Living in Florida I have the right to nurse my baby anywhere I can legally be, but this is not the case all over. It's also not the case that you can nurse without fear on an airplane. Or that you can't be fired for breastfeeding or pumping - I have a friend who lost her job because she was committed to breastfeeding her baby. Not cool.
So take a moment and learn, and then get on it. Even if you are not a breastfeeding mama, you should support them!