Friday, February 10, 2012

One more day of arguing...

I have been trying to get Blue Cross and Blue Shield to pay for six of Henry's OT visits at the end of 2011 and they are being truly crazy. Yesterday I had one of the most frustrating conversations ever with a guy named Bruce, who, in the end, said he needed to do more research before he could send a denial because I had convinced him to look into some things. Yeah, nice. He said "they" had emailed an explanation for denial but he didn't think it was right after talking to me.

Bruce, poor guy, is like person number ten I've gone around and around about this thing with, and they all come around. And then the claims are still not paid and u get to deal with someone new. It's awesome. But I'm right, and I won't stop bugging them.

Don't eff with a lawyer who is also mama to a special needs kid. Seriously.